Thursday, October 23, 2008

reCipe doNUT IDaman

Donut Idaman:

Bahan A:
250 g tepung berprotein tinggi (use tepung gandum biasa also menjadi!)
100 g tepung gandum
1/2 camt garam
1 camb yis segera (i put 2 sudu mkn yis...mau cpt kembang punya pasal...haha...)
30 g gula castor
gula castor utk salut

Bahan B:
30 g mentega di cairkan
1 biji telur di pukul
150 ml susu segar (i campur susu dlm tin+air=150ml)

minyak untuk menggoreng

1. Ayak tepung terlebih dahulu kemudian gaulkan bersama yis segera dan larutkan gula di dalam air.
2. Gaulkan semua bahan di dalam mangkuk adunan.
3. Campurkan bahan B dan gaulkan hingga rata.
4. Kemudian masukkan bahan B kedalam adunan tepung dan uli sehingga doh menjadi licin dan kenyal, antara 10-15 minit.
5. Selepas doh naik, canai sekali lagi dan gunakan acuan donut dan letakkan kepingan donut di atas dulang yang disapu sedikit minyak dan ditabur sedikit tepung. Kemudian tutup dengan sehelai plastik.
6. Perap lagi donut selama 30-40 minit dan hingga ia naik menjadi dua kali ganda.
8. Akhir sekali goreng dan sadurkan bersama gula castor atau cokelat mengikut kesukaan anda!

* copy n paste recipe whr take from internet (tapi dah diubah sendiri), my pesan to all....minum wif cola..ok! ^-^

Monday, October 20, 2008

cHef COla!!!

For the first time, i make donut which i copy the recipe from internet
(zaman dah berubah bah)...hihi....
So, inilah hasilnya!!!
1. i know...the look not so nice...

2. put the donut into the hot periuk bagi proses menggoreng....hihi...

3. sabar menanti n at the same time pray that the donut is good 2 eat lor...^-^

4. huhu...boleh tahan i tell u! although x nice dari mata kasar tp sedap
dari hati n perasaan...haha... n dun judge a book by its cover cos its true!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ciAN library....

Dunno lar...y ppls x afraid n hv this vandalism behaviour...mangsa library! Aduh....oh tedah!
Meaning : The intentional and malicious destruction of or damage to the property of another is popularly referred to as vandalism. It includes behavior such as breaking windows, slashing tires, spray painting a wall with graffiti, and destroying a computer system through the use of a computer virus.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

noisy SOund

When my fren come to work that morning, she hear got loud noisy sound coming from the users pc...check2 its from this big power box! My fren apalagi (jenis penakut), quick2 go outside n takut 2 go inside again...she say takut meletup when she call me early that morning! I pun cpt2 call my mgmt tell them about wat happen...
Last2 u know wat is the problem???hmm...when technition from USP check...aduh...malunya aku...paduhal is the power automatic switch off cos kena kilat...hihi...then the problem solve!hihi... ^-^

Time RAya at Linda hOuse

This was taken during my raya visit to Linda house...come bek from work straight away go visit...hihi...mkn punya pasal, tired pun dah x kisah dah...ehh...visit kwn punya niat, letih pun x kisah! Thanz kwn cos sudi invite us although during that time still bz buat tempahan kuih raya!
Bila masa got peace...aduh...^-^
Aduh...cian me...xda tempat duduk o le di...huhu...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

kai-kai wif amak ^-^

Me: ehh...y mother dun wan smile when take pic lei?
Amak: hmm...terkenang kpg halaman bah...durian lagi...Peace!
P/S: musim durian dun bring amak go kai-kai 1st....hihi...